Give to Holy Cross

Make a Donation


Holy Cross relies on contributions and offerings as our primary source of income.  Your generosity determines the ministry we can accomplish together.

How much to give?

Deciding the amount of your pledge takes prayerful contemplation. Start with prayers of gratitude, giving thanks for all God’s gifts and blessings in your life. Consider what Holy Cross means to you and the ministry we share. Decide how much you will pledge to support our ministry. Some consider their pledge a sacrificial offering, a tithe, or percentage returned to God from the gifts God has given. Make your pledge a joyful reflection of God’s own generosity and grace.

What is a pledge?

According to the Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, a pledge is “A commitment to give one’s time, talents, and money as an expression of faith and a personal response to God’s generosity. Parish members are encouraged to make an annual stewardship pledge. This pledge represents their specific Christian commitment to “work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God” (BCP, p. 856). Parish budgets are prepared in light of the pledges received from the members. A pledge is a statement of intent, not a legal obligation. It can be changed at any time.”

A pledge is a sign that you belong here. Your pledge is an investment in Holy Cross as your spiritual home and as a place of welcome and service to others. Together, our giving touches lives within our parish, the community, and the world, planting the seeds of tomorrow with care so future generations experience God’s grace here.

How to Give?

There are two easy ways to give:

  1. by Check made payable to Holy Cross, which can be mailed to Holy Cross, 201 Kipling Ln, Winter Haven, FL 33884 or placed in the offering plate
  2. by Bill Pay offered through most banks

If you wish to direct your donation to a specific program, please indicate on the memo. line.  Your generosity will help make Holy Cross better able to spread the light of Christ by directly supporting the programs and services we provide for the well-being of our church family and the surrounding community.  Thank you!