We have started an online fundraising campaign for Holy Cross Episcopal Church at Lynch Creek Farm. Every time someone shops through our fundraising page, we receive 15% back from eligible items purchased. It really is that easy! Lynch Creek Farms offers: Wreaths,...
Fall Festival 2023
Holy Cross Church invites you to our Fall Festival on October 28, 2023 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm!
Vacation Bible School Registration is Open!
Registration for this summer’s Vacation Bible School program is now open! Get more details here.
Spring Fair & Health Expo
Holy Cross Church invites you to our Spring Fair & Health Expo on Saturday, May 6th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. See the attached flyer for more details!
Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser
Join us for our spaghetti supper takeout fundraiser to benefit Holy Cross Church’s Vacation Bible School!
Upcoming Events
In addition to our Sunday services, Holy Cross invites you to: Ash Wednesday February 22 with Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes: 12:00pm Quiet Service or 6:00pm Service with Music Lenten Program with Supper Wednesdays in March, 6-8pm Holy Week Palm Sunday – April 2,...
Shrove Tuesday Photos
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. During our prayer service, we burn last year's palms. Afterwards, we share a meal of pancakes, hosted by Cub Scout Pack 515. Shrove Tuesday is observed by many...
Christmas Activities & Upcoming Events
Christmas Angel Tree - by December 11th This year, we will collect items for Denison Middle School. Please select a tag from the narthex and help a Christmas wish come true. Please note: Denison is a Title I school, which means a large percentage of...
2022 Fall Fun Dinner & Square Dance Photos
Our first annual Fall Fun Dinner & Square Dance was a wonderful time!
Blessing of the Animals Photos 2022
Our 2022 Blessing of the Animals had a successful turnout! Here are some photos of the event!