Christmas Angel Tree – by December 10th
This year, we will collect items for Denison Middle School. Please select a tag from the narthex and help a Christmas wish come true. Please note: Denison is a Title I school, which means a large percentage of the students live in poverty. By Dec. 10, please drop your donations off in the narthex on Sundays or at the church office from Tuesday through Thursday.
Holy Cross Caroling – December 16th, 3:00pm
Please join us as we go to a few homes in the area to sing carols. It will be followed by a dessert reception in the Parish Hall. Please bring a dessert to share and sign up in the narthex.
Blue Christmas Mass – December 18, 4:00pm
Please join us for this special service when we can, with others, acknowledge the “blue” feelings we have at Christmas time, the reasons for them, and offer them to God. This time has been called the “long dark night of the soul” and “the winter of our discontent” in which memories of past experiences and the pain of present experiences can become overwhelming. For some, Christmas Day is the most difficult. For others, it may be Christmas Eve, or New Years Eve, or the beginning of another lonely New Year. We recognize that this is not a season of joy for everyone. We will invite you to reflect on the pain, the loneliness, and the sadness you may feel and offer it to God for healing and transformation. We pray that you will find hope and comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Always remember that God knows your pain and loves you unconditionally.
Christmas Poinsettias – by December 20th
If you would like to donate flowers to enhance the beauty of the church on Christmas, please make a check payable to Holy Cross and indicate Christmas flowers on the memo line. Please include a note indicating how you would like your gift noted in the bulletin (i.e. in memory of … or in thanksgiving for…). The suggested donation is $20. Envelopes are available in the narthex.
God’s Love Extended – by December 20th
Each Christmas we collect monetary gifts for our parish families who are in need. If you would like to donate, please make your check payable to Holy Cross and indicate God’s Love Extended on the memo. line.
The Fourth Sunday of Advent – December 24, 9:00am
We will have one service for the 4th Sunday of Advent followed by Coffee Hour.
Christmas Eve Service & Potluck Dinner – December 24th, 5:00pm
Please plan to join us Sunday, Dec. 24 for an elegant candlelight Mass. The Eucharistic service will begin at 5pm, and the evening will conclude with a potluck supper. Please sign up in the narthex.
Christmas Day Service – December 25th, 9am
We will have one service on Monday, Dec. 25 at 9am.
Deacon-Hosted Potluck Christmas Dinner – December 25th, 2pm
The Deacons will host a Potluck Christmas Dinner on Dec. 25, 2pm, in the Parish Hall.
It is designed for those seeking fellowship on Christmas Day and is open to all. RSVP by Dec. 20 to or (863) 324-4021.
First Sunday after Christmas – December 31st, 9am
We will have one service on Sunday, Dec. 31 at 9am followed by a special Coffee Hour.