YouTube & Live Streams

Dec 8, 2020 | News

Our Sunday services are now available live and on-demand at our new YouTube channel. We recommend visiting and subscribing to the channel using the link below, and enabling notifications with the bell icon so you don’t miss our livestreams.

NOTE: There has been some confusion caused by YouTube search and the existence of legacy YouTube channels. At this time, the new channel cannot be found using the YouTube search. Additionally, there are multiple other YouTube channels that do appear in the search, all of which are our legacy channels or belong to another church of the same name. Unfortunately, we are unable to remove our legacy channels because they were created using various personal email addresses. We will update you when the channel is available from search, but in the meantime, best practices to access the channel are described below.

We recommend using the link above on your desktop, tablet, or phone to subscribe to the channel and enable notifications with the bell icon. Then, unsubscribe from any of our legacy channels (the only channel we will be using into the future is the one linked above, with our blue dove logo variant).

If watching from a smart TV, or other device without a web browser, ensure you are signed into the same YouTube account with which you subscribed to our channel on desktop, tablet, or phone. You can then find the channel in the subscriptions tab.